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Promotional Planning Calendar of
Planning IDEAS - September Calendar of Dates

Creative Ideas &
Promotional Planning
IDEAS Calendar
for the
Month of
September |
Make It A Date To Remember Thousands of organizations and Presidential Proclamations
set aside specific days, weeks and months for, political,
cultural and historical events and causes. Many of these
occasions offer you an opportunity to promote your business,
organization or product.
- Shameless Promotion Month
Hall of Fame baseball player Rogers Hornsby once said, "I
don't like to sound egotistical, but every time I stepped up
to the plate with a bat in my hands, I couldn't help but
feel sorry for the pitcher." When it comes to business,
September is a great month to let it all out and tell
everyone how awesome your company is. This can be
accomplished with a multi-tiered promotion. Send a company
newsletter snail mail and e-mail to clients and
potential clients telling them how great your company is by
providing case studies. Next, make sales calls with coffee,
imprinted mugs and donuts in tow. Use the chance to crow
about your products. Finally, run a Facebook promotion where
you ask your clients to tell them how great you are and
offer logoed prizes to the winners. Your distributor partner
can help with all the details.
- September 09
Wonderful Weirdos Day
We all know someone who walks to the beat of a different
drummer. In fact, some of us might be beating that drum
ourselves. Today is a great day to recognize those people
you deal with who, although they have an unorthodox style,
get the job done. And that can be anyone from the people at
your company to your vendors. This motivational campaign
should come with a cool award that will certainly be
displayed in an office with pride.
- September 12
National Boss/Employee Exchange Day
Walking a mile in another's shoes really makes you
appreciate the pair you wear each day. Today is a great day
for an employee morale-building promotion where bosses and
employees switch jobs for the day. Hold a luncheon and
provide gift bags with logoed products. Blog about this and
post pictures letting your clients know that you have a fun
and relaxed workplace. Your distributor partner can help you
come up with great gifts for everyone.
- September 18-24
Build A Better Image Week
In an iconic Canon camera commercial in 1990, tennis star
Andre Agassi uttered the famous line, "Image is everything."
That's so true in the business world. Your business image,
your reputation, should be backed up by your actions, deeds
and products. Therefore, use this week as a way to craft a
better image among your clients and vendors. Your weeklong
campaign should consist of client visits (bring logoed gifts
along) in combination with social media including videos and
blogs on your Facebook fan page as well as tweets. Your
message should be consistent throughout regarding your
products and services. For help in crafting a fantastic
campaign, contact your distributor partner.
Source: SP |

Promotional Planning IDEAS
- September - More Ideas
Fibrillation Month
De cit Hyperactivity Disorder Month
Safety Month
Cancer Awareness Month
Savings Month
Cancer Awareness Month
Awareness Month
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Sickle Cell Month
Skin Care Awareness Month
Aging Month
and Home Eye Safety Month
Grains Month
Suicide Prevention Week (Sept 4-10)
Grandparents Day (Sept 11)
Celiac Awareness Day (Sept 13)
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15-Oct 15)
Singles Week (Sept 18-24)
Cancer Awareness Week (Sept 18-24)
Begins (Sept 22)
Responsible Dog Ownership Day (Sept 24)
Health and Fitness Day (Sept 24)
Public Lands Day (Sept 24)
Womens Health and Fitness Day (Sept 28)

Planning IDEAS for the Whole Year
IDEAS using
Special Days or Themes during the Calendar Year to plan your
Promotions and Special Events
